Make Sleep Sweet by Michelle

"I had heard about Michelle months ago from a friend but I kept making excuses and saying to myself that we were ok enough, I was hesitant. I finally contacted Michelle when the night wakings got worse and I couldn't take it anymore. The results we started seeing in the first few days felt like magic. For the first time in way too long I felt like a normal rested person. Michelle was patient with us as we navigated through all the changes and as we were learning to distinguish when our son was in pain because of his molars coming in or just crying to be picked up. She also helped change our schedule and routines to effectively improve our sweet boy's sleeping and feedings. Prior to Michelle our 15 month old son was waking up 2 to 3 times at night and on one of those staying awake for about 2 hours, he didn't know how to fall asleep on his own, he was feeding a bottle to sleep and feeding twice in the middle of the night, sleeping with me on a bed in his room 95% of the night, and he was sleeping 9-10 hours total at night. After 2 weeks with Michelle's support we all grew and gained so much confidence and have had 11 hour stretches at night with no wakings in the crib! Our son learned to fall asleep all on his own without fussing at all, he loves his crib now, he stopped eating in the middle of the night completely since the first night, he eats a lot more food during the day and his milk intake was cut down to a half healthy amount he should be drinking in 24hrs. We no longer dread putting him to bed because we just lay him down, leave the room and within 5-10mins he falls asleep with no problem on his own whereas before we would rock him and/or bounce him to sleep for about an hour! I am now sleeping with my husband the entire night. It's been a huge positive change for our family. In the beginning I was afraid that us not cuddling at night would change his big happy self but he is just as happy, much more rested and has even been more confident in discovering new things and skills when playing. Michelle was the best support; very approachable, knowledgeable, passionate, patient and followed up with us daily and gave us the personalized guidance we needed. My husband and I recommend her 100%."
"Michelle was seriously a godsend to us. Before I called Michelle it had gotten to the point that I was up almost every hour with my four month old son - not because he was hungry or upset - but because he was just unable to self sooth or put himself back to sleep without us. My son and I were both regularly in tears, and even worse, all my sleepless nights didn’t even seem to be helping him at all.
Michelle made us feel comfortable right away, and with her customized game plan and constant support and encouragement, we were able to stick to the plan. After a few short days, My son could go down for naps and night sleep totally awake and put himself to sleep! (Even without Binky!) He can sooth himself back to sleep when he wakes, only wakes for one feeding, and is overall so much happier.
My husband and I are getting sleep, but more than that, our sweet little baby is too. I am seeing all the benefits of him being well rested. Michelle was with us every step of the way and working with her was some of the best time and money we’ve ever spent. Thank you Michelle !"
"Working with Michelle was truly an awesome experience. What encouraged me to check out her page was a review from a close friend who praised her "gentle sleep coaching" techniques. I was intrigued and noticed one of her IG posts spoke directly to our exact situation: toddlers who fight bedtime, come to their parent's bed nightly, and wake up insanely early. I called her to get more info and immediately I liked her. I knew a more consistent sleep schedule and routine would help our entire family, but I wasn't willing to achieve this at any cost. It was important to me that Lucy felt comforted, secure, and loved through the process; I just knew I couldn't do any kind of plan that involved her being upset or frightened by this. I can't express enough how validated I felt by Michelle, and she agreed in my assessment of what would work best for Lucy. That was so important to me because i felt like we were all on the same team, working together. She used what she learned of our family dynamics and combined that with her expertise and experience to come up with our own tailor made plan, that fit our needs and circumstances perfectly.
In 2 weeks lucy has made HUGE strides; we accomplished everything we set out to do and more. My favorite part has been seeing how proud she is of herself for reaching each of her goals; she has gained so much confidence and seems to be a more secure, happy toddler because of this process. We've seen so many benefits beyond her sleeping habits and we couldn’t have done it without Michelle’s guidance. It's been a good learning experience for me too; I have always known sleeping training and CIO etc aren't right for our family; but I didn't realize there are lots of ways to change sleep habits in a gentle way that actually can be a fun family experience.
I'm glad I was open minded enough to give this a try; and I'm so glad Michelle is willing to work with families to come up with the perfect plan for your specific needs. The support and accountability was everything and I could tell she really cared about Lucy and was as excited as us the first night she stayed in her bed all night long. We're so happy we did this; you will be too! Thanks so much Michelle!!"
"I can’t rave enough about Michelle! We were totally skeptical at first about “ sleep training “ . We could not believe how fast we got results with our 18 month year old . She slept through the night on her own for 10 hours from 3-11 months and then started waking up at night. I would pick her up and we co slept . Every night like clock work I would go in her room and get her , some times she wouldn’t even go back to sleep . We had to rock her and still had her on a bottle . Nap time , forget about it . I would drive her around sometimes for an hour . I work part time and my husband works from I’m also in grad school ... We both did not have time for this with a second on the way we decided to call . Literally best decision ever ! Within 7 days she was going down on her own and NO more nightly wake ups she now sleeps 730-730! Thanks again !"
"Carson was the the wild mustang when it came to sleep training...BEFORE Michelle! At 16 months we had tried everything and anything and nothing worked. We were up multiple times through the night, sometimes hours on end. BEFORE Michelle, Carson NEVER once slept through the night. NEVER got more then 9 hours of sleep (and no it was never a 9 hour stretch). NEVER went without nursing throughout the night. NEVER fell asleep on his own. Many tears had been shed and frustrations said. I adopted the false mindset that eventually he HAD to grow out of this and be a good sleeper, and learn to do it on his own. But to be honest I was not hopeful and figured we were going to be doomed for years.
On top of all of these poor sleep habits, 5 weeks before we started with Michelle due to vacations and renovations our son slept in our bed every night and nursed all night long so I was quite sure that the sleep training was going to be painful. I couldn’t have been more wrong. BY THE FIRST NIGHT we saw improvements and it just got better and better from there! I can now say, with joyful tears, that my son sleeps through the night!!!! Is getting 12 hours of solid sleep!!!! Does not nurse at night!!!!! Is able to put himself to sleep successfully!!! Michelle made this so enjoyable! She was there every step of the way, was always checking in and offering helpful tips and encouragement! She knows her stuff and is kind and understands we are all in different places with different babies and different personalities. If your on the fence of hiring a sleep consultant do yourself, your sleep sanity and your baby a favor and hire Michelle! I wish I did over a year ago! If you think your baby is unfixable, too far gone, or untrainable, take it from my wild mustang of a boy....they can do this! We just all need a little Michelle to help us help them get there!"
"When our son hit four months his sleeping completely regressed and he was waking multiple times a night and was completely motion dependent and had a habit of needing to be held to sleep. We figured his sleep would improve after the regression resolved itself, however the opposite occurred. At six months it got worse! Our worst nightmare come true! Our son was waking between 6-10 times per night and needing to nurse 2-3 times. Falling asleep independently felt like an impossible goal. For his six month checkup our pediatrician felt that his wakings were excessive and his nursing was too frequent. My husband and I are first time parents and we felt like we were failing. One particularly rough night after 10 wake ups and 3 nursing sessions, my husband and I decided to call Michelle and begin the process of sleep training. I was extremely apprehensive as I could not stand hearing my son cry. Michelle was a calming force. From the initial call, she heard my concerns and my sons needs and developed a plan that would work for our son. She made sure we felt comfortable implementing it 100% and provided feedback and support during the entire program. Our son is now not only sleeping through the night, he falls asleep independently and does not have the need to be held as he can now soothe himself back to sleep! It’s absolutely incredible. I would recommend Michelle to ANYONE who needs a complete sleep schedule overhaul for their little one or even just someone seeking pointers on improving sleep. She’s kind, patient, understanding, and is incredibly passionate about children and great sleep. The dynamic in the family has shifted so much! A happy rested baby is priceless and Michelle is the expert on how to make it happen !"
"After MANY MONTHS of struggling to get my 2 year old to stay in bed, Michelle came up with a plan to get my daughter to stay in her room all night long. After 6 nights, it worked!! Michelle's plan was completely manageable and successful for my family and we are forever indebted to Make Sleep Sweet! We are so grateful to Michelle for her dedication, patience, and thoroughness when it came to helping our family sleep through the night once again.
To any tired mama out there losing sleep unnecessarily- call Michelle! NOW!!"
"Michelle helped us with my 2.5 year old with transitioning from the crib to a twin (baby #2 on the way)! She was wild and would not stay in bed- it took us hours to get her to fall asleep. Once she fell asleep, she was up every couple of hours coming to our room. This lasted for weeks until Michelle came into our lives! Within three weeks we got her to stay in her room and now she sleeps all night!!! Michelle is great and communicating exactly what the parent needs to do or not do and she keeps you accountable so every night gets better and better!"
"I had such a wonderful experience with Michelle! I would literally be in tears trying to get C to fall asleep, naps being the most difficult. Michelle explained to me how important day sleep was for our little ones in order for them to have better sleep at night.
By applying her recommendations and being consistent, C was going down for naps seamlessly! I couldn’t even believe how effective her advice was and it seemed to take no time at all before we had a happy sleeper! C is not only taking regular naps but I’m so proud to say that he is officially sleeping through the night, and we definitely have Michelle to thank for that! We’re forever grateful to Michelle at Make Sleep Sweet!"
"I chose to follow baby wise with my first two babies and it was wonderful and perfect for us. They napped like angels and slept through the night by 12 weeks old. Well Baby #3 came along and before I knew it I was 7 months deep into some really unproductive habits that I just knew I’d need help breaking. Baby wouldn’t go down without nursing, was only napping once per day and still waking 3x/night relying on nursing for comfort. I was kicking myself for not following my tried and true baby wise book but also knew I’d need to switch some things up to fit our new life with 3 littles. I consulted with Michelle for ONE HOUR. After just ONE week baby has a wake up time, is napping twice a day without nursing, going down at night with very little fussing and is sleeping 11.5 hours through without nursing! (This included a weekend of travel that could have easily derailed the whole thing!) I felt that the plan Michelle laid out was clear, simple, and such a gentle transition for baby and mama and I so appreciated that she followed up and checked in on us. Worth. The. Investment!"
"There aren’t enough words to express how grateful I am for Michelle Hansley and Make Sleep Sweet. I came across her services by accident, through a friend’s referral. I was so hesitant at first, thinking our son was just going through a growth spurt or phase – but boy, did we need Michelle!
Our son, at 6 months old, was only taking 30 minute cat naps during the day. He was eating every 2 hours like clockwork and was still waking up once or twice in the middle of the night. He was going to bed at 6 and waking up at 3-4am every night!
Enter Michelle, the baby whisperer, stage left – she truly is a magician. From the first consultation/introductory call, I could tell she was an expert in her field and cared deeply for her clients. Her professionalism never faltered, even when I got frustrated and used my favorite choice 4 letter words! I could immediately see that she was worth every penny.
After the first few days, I could already see a change in our son. He was placed on a schedule and almost instantly was sleeping through the night, eating on a schedule that extended his feeding times and properly incorporated time for purees/solids, and she even managed to push his bedtime to 7pm with a 7am wake time! Michelle suggested moving him from his bassinet to a larger sleep area, and he’s so much happier and more comfortable now!
As a first time mom, you always feel so guilty when you hear your baby cry and you can’t immediately tend to them. Michelle said something to me in our initial chat that truly resonated with me. “You’re teaching him a skill – one that he’ll need forever.” And she was so right! Our son has learned to sleep independently, thanks to Michelle’s services and sleep training expertise. For that, and so many other little things, I’ll be forever grateful.
10/10 would recommend."
“I called Michelle because my 6 month old daughter was only taking 30 minute cat naps, was eating every 2 and a half hours, and was exhausted and needing to be in bed by 6 pm. I was loosing my mind and my husband was not able to see her at night. My daughter also struggles with separation anxiety. Michelle helped get us on a schedule, extend her feeding hours and push back her nighttime sleep to 7-7! My daughter now naps for 90 minutes!!! And my husband can spend more time with her which is helping with her separation anxiety. Wins all around. As I write this she is an hour and fourty minutes into her second nap of the day!
Michelle was kind, caring and extremely patient with me. She took the time to understand our issues and find realistic solutions. I am very grateful!”
“Working with Michelle was a godsend! Our daughter was still co-sleeping at 13 months and I thought I’d never be able to get her to sleep on her own. But with Michelle’s instruction and tips it was great. She is very attentive and supportive. She is a great listener and was always cheering us on when we needed it. I’d highly recommend her to any mom or dad struggling with getting their baby to sleep. She is knowledgeable and professional as well. We are so grateful for her services and could not have sleep trained our daughter without her guidance.”
“What’s this photo you may ask? This is the face of a sweet little angel who has slept 12 hrs for THREE consecutive nights! That’s right, Mama and Dada have not had to get out of bed ONCE in the last three nights and it’s all thanks to Make Sleep Sweet by Michelle! We started sleep training two weeks ago with Michelle (as we were still holding her for naps, and getting up MULTIPLE times in the night, which was starting to seriously affect our sleep/lives). We’re proud to say she is now putting herself to sleep for naps and bedtime and sleeping 12 HOURS a night! I had no idea this was even achievable before we hired Michelle and we’re both SO glad we did! She’s amazing, and with you every single step of the way! We did it!”